End of Year Wrap Up for 2017
KVHS would like to wish all our members a very Happy New Year and thank you for all your support during 2017. As the end of the year...

History Connections. It's all about Letters!
This week’s blog is all about The Letter. These artefacts are all from the KVHS collection and are significant to the Kiewa Valley, due...

Item of the Month - The Hallford Truck
Every month we shall highlight an artefact from the KVHS Collection. The item of the month for January is the “Hallford Truck” This is...

2016 - A Year In Review Reported at KVHS AGM
Annual Report for the KVHS Inc for the year ended November 19th 2016 Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to our 8th AGM. I...

History Connections - The Gift
After listening to the Podcast on Unexpected History, all about gifts, it was pointed out there are many reasons for giving gifts, not...

History Connections. Gloves, it's all about fashion.
Following on from the fabulous podcast from Unexpected History about The Glove, (as seen and heard on the History Hit Network via iTunes)...

Electricity - What's the Story?
During 2013 Bogong Centre for Sound Culture approached KVHS to collaborate with them to be the first stop for their interactive sound...

"Tawonga Remembers" Exhibition Opening. A great day had by all.
The opening of our latest exhibition Tawonga Remembers was a huge success, with about 150 people attending. Local and visitors alike...